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Tuesday 5 October 2010

Sarah Palin visit to San Jose Oct. 14

The event at the San Jose Center for the Performing Arts does, organizers at the Liberty and Freedom Foundation said, still have tickets available..
Executive director Victor Cocchia said the group chose San Jose for a Sarah Palin event "because we thought it was important to come to the Bay Area. Conservatives stay away from the area too much. If you're going to spread a conservative message you need to go where it needs to be heard, and what better place than the Bay Area?"
Cocchia said the former Alaska governor and would-be veep will deliver "not just national message" but a "regionalized" one targeted specifically from the Bay to the Valley. Water anyone?
He said could not yet say whether Palin would weigh in for any candidates (Palin has already endorsed GOP Senate challenger Carly Fiorina), but "obviously we intend to have a number of dignitaries from the area and we are still finalizing the list."

Cocchia would not name donors to his group, which has been sponsoring Palin at events around the country. He said its focus is outreach to youth and Latinos because conservatives have indeed flopped in that area.
The non-profit group's mission is to explain conservative values and conservative solutions, he said: "It's really hard when you only hear one side of an issue, one side of a story and one answer to everything, to really make an educated choice."
He said the group is not a Tea Party and insisted that "conservatives come in all shapes and forms" and that conservative is "a broad and big term."

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